I would like to express my sympathy to everyone hit hard by Katrina. Of course millions of people have been devastated, but i can’t help but turn my thoughts specifically to Todd Hicks. His house is (was?) smack dab in the middle of downtown Mobile, an area hit very hard by that natural disaster.
It’s a strange feeling. I woke up in Todd’s house Sunday morning. It’s very possible that by Monday morning there was nothing left of it. I don’t know because i haven’t been able to get in touch with him. His home phone just rings and rings, and i get a busy signal when i dial his cell phone. So i have no way of talking to him. Needless to say, i’m very worried.
Much less important, though still a cause for concern, is the Cannon Brewpub down there. Todd told us he’d planned to do a ton of brewing last week, but he held off to see what Katrina was going to do. He didn’t want to waste the ingredients brewing hundreds of gallons beer if they were just going to be ruined when the electricity went out. I never dreamed at the time that the Brewpub itself might not make it at all. Again, i don’t know. I haven’t heard any reports and can’t get in touch with anyone.
I will continue to try to reach Todd. If anyone reading this has any information about Todd, the brewpub, or any Mobile members of FTH, please email me and let me know. I will post again as soon as i have any updates.
If you believe in prayer, pray. If you don’t, just be thinking about those whose lives are left in shambles by this. And everyone be on the lookout for ways you can take action to help those in need now.