Unfortunately, despite a promising start, Anheuser-Busch corporate have not given us any indication of their answer. You can contact their corporate offices on 1-800-DIAL-BUD (1 800 342 5283) or https://contactus.anheuser-busch.com/contactus/email.asp to express your opinion, but this time we are expanding our efforts and concentrating elsewhere.

We need more visibility for the boycott, and as such would ask each of you to do just 2 things out of this list:

1. Call or email Birmingham Budweiser (keep trying if it’s busy!). 205-945-4893, customerservice@bhambud.com

2. Wear your FTH t-shirt, hat, or anything else you have with our logo when you go out.

3. Tell all your friends, family and coworkers (suggest Miller/Coors as alternatives if necessary).

4. Have a Bud-free Superbowl Party, or join the one at the J.Clyde. Urge your local bars to do the same.

5. Ask your local stores, bars & restaurants to join the boycott. They do not have to pull AB products off their shelves, they can show support for our cause by offering Miller or Coors to their customers and allow their customers to make up their own minds.

6. Forward the boycott information as an email, Myspace bulletin, Facebook notice, blog post, etc., to all your Birmingham friends.

This is our third year attempting to get this bill passed. It has only taken this long because one single business – Birmingham Budweiser – has engaged in underhanded tactics to maintain a government control that inhibits competition and removes consumer choice. We will no longer engage in their time-wasting “negotiations” which ultimately lead nowhere.

You can shed light onto these shady tactics by writing to your local newspaper. For many of you, you can find the “Letters to the editor” section for your local newspaper at www.al.com and write to them there.

Please remember to be respectful and polite when you contact anyone – this is very important to make sure both that our voices are heard and that weight is given to our opinions.

Feel free to refer those you contact to our website, or to me, if they want more information.

I truly feel that with the help of all our members and supporters we will succeed. If everyone can do just 2 things from the above list to spread the word, we can make this the last restricted Superbowl weekend.

Let’s Free the Hops!