The really good news is that the Senate functioned today. They made it through a relatively impressive special order calendar consisting of almost all the remaining sunset bills. In other words, they functioned normally, without interference from Phil Poole. And the word I’m hearing is that Poole is probably done with his obstructionism, although as I keep saying, we have no guarantees when it comes to the AL legislature. Anything’s possible.
The bad news is that now the path is clear for bingo to once again shut down the Senate exactly as it did last year. This year, this horrible specter is SB135, relating to bingo in Greene County. If it does not pass quickly, the whole legislature could again be brought to a grinding halt over the debate.
If you care more about the fate of The Gourmet Beer bill than about gambling in Greene County, then pray that SB135 passes quickly so that it won’t stand in the way of the Senate passing the many other bills waiting in line this year, including ours.