Things settled down for a while after an initial explosion of new beers that arrived within a month or so of the ABV bill getting signed into law.  I think we saw close to 100 new products over about a six week period.  That was almost exclusively the result of wholesalers bringing in previously forbidden products from their existing suppliers — products they already had access to but couldn’t stock in their warehouses because they were illegal in this state before the law change.  Once that supply chain was exhausted, the influx of new beers leveled off.

But now we’ve had another tidal wave of new beers in the last few weeks and I’m like a kid in a candy store.  For a good look at much of what’s coming in, check out the websites of two of FTH’s favorite beer bars, The J. Clyde and The Nook.

Here’s a link to what’s new at the Clyde:

And here’s a link to what’s new at the Nook:

Bell’s and Boulder Beer have been on the Gulf Coast for quite a while, but they are brand new to all of us here in the northern part of the state.  Then there’s the De Dolle, Hitachino, Einbecker, and Aventinus brews, and more are still hitting warehouses.  Add in the St. Bernardus Belgians that hit several weeks ago, and the Urthel Belgians just arriving at some stores, and you can see that Alabamians are gaining access to a very impressive list of beers.

This is what Free The Hops hath wrought.  Stay tuned, as we are juuust about to announce next year’s legislative agenda.