Suds of the SouthOur Tuscaloosa Chapter has organized a very cool event featuring southern breweries. There are still a few tickets left available online. At $10, this is a great deal. You get to meet and sample beers from the following folks:

  • Lazy Magnolia of Kiln, MS
  • Terrapin of Athens, GA
  • Sweetwater of Atlanta, GA
  • Good People of Birmingham
  • Back Forty of Birmingham
  • Olde Towne of Huntsville
  • Abita of Abita Springs, LA
  • Yazoo of Nashville

It’s on Saturday, March 13 from 4:00 to 6:00pm. The cost will cover unlimited samples, a 3oz sample glass and special discount on Southern Beers at the after party. I plan on making it so I hope to see you there.