I received the following email from Right to Brew last night…

We are excited to report that House bill HB354 was filed today to legalize Homebrewing in Alabama. With your help, it will pass into law, and cause Alabama to finally join the 48 other states that have already legalized homebrewing. The bill has taken its first step by being assigned to the Economic Development and Tourism Committee, where it now waits for its turn.

It is not too early to call and write your Alabama House representative to ask for his or her support for HB354, the Homebrewing Legalization Bill. We were defeated last year because not enough people voiced their support to their legislators to convince them to vote YES. We must do better this year!

More information will be sent when we receive it. Be sure to keep an eye on http://www.alahomebrewing.org/ for news and updates. Pass this to any of your friends who may be interested. Thank you for your support!