With the Governor signing the Gourmet Bottle Bill into law, Free the Hops has met the second of our two main goals. So, what now? We still plan on coordinating beer festivals and Magic City Brewfest is coming up in less than two weeks – what a great way to celebrate our third bill being signed into law by the Governor of the State of Alabama. And did you go to FestivAle last November? It was awesome – too good for us to not do it again.
As far as our agenda goes, we are going to have a meeting of the minds this summer to discuss just that. So, hang on – we will have that answer for you before too long. In the meantime, your membership still matters. We will retain our lobbyist (who plays a MAJOR role in what we do) on an annual basis. Your membership dollars and attending events is how we pay him (and we do not feel like we could have passed any of our legislation without him). So keep up your support! FTH can’t change laws without Alabamians who are passionate about craft beer as well. Your voice is the most important thing. Craft beer in Alabama is still growing and we plan on being a major part of that growth. We will have more on our mission in the coming months.