Craft beer culture has come a long way since Free the Hops was founded more than 15 years ago! While a lot of the attention has focused on all of Alabama’s breweries (and rightfully so!), we are also extremely happy to see the growth of amazing craft beer bars.

Nominate your favorite place as one of Alabama’s Best Beer Bars

Free the Hops wants to recognize the best of them. Nominations are currently open to the public. Voting will be done exclusively by active Free the Hops members later this year. All nominees must meet the following criteria to be accepted:

  • Currently open and located in Alabama
  • Licensed to sell beer for consumption on the premises (bars only)
  • Cannot be a licensed manufacturer or brewpub (retail-tier only)
  • A majority of the beer taps (or beer menu if no draft) must be from a “craft brewer” as defined by the Brewers Association

We encourage businesses to nominate themselves as long as they meet the criteria, and you can nominate as many places as you like.