The beer wholesalers have worked to specifically exclude Alabama Brewers and Distillers from the current Senate Bill 126 that would allow for home delivery.

Senate Bill 126 would give the go-ahead for delivery of beer, wine, and distilled spirits in sealed containers from package stores and bars, and from restaurants with a meal purchase. Sales would be limited to those over the age of 21, require training of delivery employees, and more.

The Alabama Brewers Guild has been actively voicing the need for inclusion of Alabama brewers and distillers in this bill and recently proposed an amendment to include them. The wholesalers have actively opposed attempts to work together on this bill. So… now it is time to let your lawmakers hear from you, the consumer!

For a deeper dive on the details, see the Guild’s statement here. Please reach out to your state House of Representatives member and express your desire to have the Alabama Brewers and Distillers INCLUDED in this bill to bolster economic survivability of these locally owned small businesses in a damn pandemic!! Click here to find your state representatives.

If you also want to ping Governor Ivey with a quick email that you support the inclusion of Alabama brewers and distillers into Senate Bill 126 as a stipulation for passing it; she can be reached here.

Make no mistake, if FTH does not raise our voices then we as consumers won’t have the convenience of ordering from our favorite local breweries for delivery!! They need our business and we want them to have all the same benefits as any local beer store or restaurant trying to survive these harrowing economic times!

Call/Email/Write it on the snow and post it to social media! But get on the horn and speak out for Inclusion of Alabama’s brewers & distillers in Home Delivery Bill!