
Since 2004, Free the Hops has been the premier craft beer community in Alabama. Our members get together for meetings, gatherings, bottle shares, cookouts, and more. We have fun, we know each others kids, and we share a love of craft beer. We also support the broader community by organizing volunteers, promoting good causes, and more.
Annual Membership Meeting
We have one, big annual statewide membership meeting, usually in the last quarter. This meeting gives us the opportunity to talk about the organization and share ideas on how to move forward. It’s also just a fun gathering of beer geeks across Alabama to share beer.
Chapter Meetings
FTH chapters typically meet either each month or each quarter. These are often used to plan upcoming events and to share information. These meetings are usually held at a local brewery or a local craft-centric retail establishment. Chapters also work as the primary planning committees for our big events like Magic City Brewfest and Rocket City Brewfest.
Gatherings and Bottle Shares
FTH chapters also host other social gatherings like bottle shares, Christmas parties, cookouts, and more. These are organized independently by the local chapter.
Supporting Community Events
Chapters and other groups of members also organize volunteers to support local events in their community. These include charitable fundraisers like Pro Bono Brews; Zoo, Brew & Full Moon Bar-B-Que; and more.