The state legislature legalized homebrewing in Alabama in 2013 but there are very strict regulations. The law is found in Code of Alabama § 28-4B-1. This page provides a high level summary of the law, but should not be considered legal advice.

Who can homebrew?

  • Persons who have never been convicted of a felony

  • Persons who are at least 21 years of age

What can be homebrewed?

  • Beer at or below 13.9% ABV

  • Table wine at or below 24% ABV

  • Mead at or below 18% ABV

  • Cider at or below 8.5% ABV

Where can homebrew be made?

  • Only at your legal residence

  • Only in a wet county or a wet municipality within a dry county

How much can be made?

  • No more than 15 gallons, per residence, each quarter of the calendar year

  • May not have more than 15 gallons, per residence, at any time

Where can I take homebrew?

  • No more than 10 gallons can be removed from the legal residence at a time

  • May only be removed for organized competitions and judgings specifically licensed as such by the ABC Board

  • A homebrew competition cannot be held at a place otherwise licensed (so no breweries, bars, wholesalers, etc.)

Other restrictions

  • Home distillation (i.e. moonshining) is illegal under both federal and state law

  • Persons under 21 years of age may not purchase, possess, or transport homebrew or any homebrew equipment

  • It is unlawful to sell, furnish, give away, or provide homebrew equipment to persons under 21 years of age